Vaporizer Battery Explosion – Don’t Use Third Party Batteries and Buy from Authorized Suppliers Only

We have written a lot about the ill effects of smoking and we have done this aggressively. You know enough about the health risks of smoking. We have also advocated vaping as a healthy alternative to smoking. However, an e-cigarette or a vaporizer can be injurious in some cases.

E-cigarette or Vaporizer Battery explosion

Just like a Smartphone battery, an e-cigarette or vape pen battery can also explode. The battery can cause some serious injuries when it is in your pocket. No one wants the battery to explode in the face.

Injuries Due To Battery Explosion

Burns, fractured bones and even loss of eyesight are some of the injuries due to a battery explosion. In several cases, burns are third-degree burns. In many cases, skin grafts are required. These grafts often leave significant scars. These injuries are combinations of tissue blast injuries and flame burns.

How Often The Battery Explodes? 

All reputed manufacturers use high quality, safe, lab-tested and non-recycled batteries in their devices. Therefore, batteries of vaporizers rarely explode. According to a report by US Fire Administration, 25 e-cigarette battery explosion injuries are reported in a span of five years from 2009 to 2014. More than 2.5 million Americans were using e-cigarettes in 2014. However, even if rare, it is unsafe and injuries can be horrendous. Therefore, be careful while buying a new vape pen.

Why This Happens?

Vaporizers operate on small but powerful lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, when the battery malfunctions and fails, it results in explosion and results are often disastrous.

Venkat Viswanathan, mechanical engineering professor at Carnegie Mellon University says that electrolyte used in the battery is an equivalent of gasoline. The electrolyte is flammable. Therefore, when the battery shorts out, heat is generated. This heat combusts the flammable electrolyte and the battery explode.

Who Is To Blame?

When it comes to putting blame, in some cases, you can put the blame on the manufacturer. However, in some cases, you can’t. Recycled batteries are not safe. This is the reason why most of the manufacturers use non-recycled batteries. If the lithium-ion battery is not well made or it is a recycled one, you can blame the manufacturer. In case you are exposing the battery to extreme temperatures or you are using a third party battery, it is your mistake.

Genuine batteries are well made and lab-tested. Therefore, buy original vaporizers and e-cigarettes from authorized suppliers only.

Smoking Can Never Be Safe. Is Vaping As Bad As Smoking?

Smoking is harmful. Even manufacturers have to print a warning message on cigarette packs saying that smoking can cause life-threatening diseases like cancer. When the creator itself is declaring that its creation is not safe for you, it makes no sense to write something in the defense of smoking. The interest of people is now shifting to something new in the arena that offers the same pleasure without or with minimum consequences. We are talking about vaporizers. Volcano Vaporizer, The Mighty, Arizer, Atmos and there are many other options available to people who love vaping or people who do not want to smoke anymore but cannot quit.

Continue reading “Smoking Can Never Be Safe. Is Vaping As Bad As Smoking?”


Vaping V/S Smoking – Is Vaping Also Bad For Health?

It is not easy to advocate something that is too bad for health especially if it multiplies the risk of cancer. Smoking is harmful to the health. Its consequences have been proven and seen. Vaping is relatively new in the market. Is vaping bad for health, or is it good for health? Those who want to get rid of smoking, they are opting for vaping. Are they choosing lesser of two evils? Maybe we shall wait and listen to what experts have to say.

Smoking, Vaping and Our Health

Manufacturers and the vaping community do not like it when someone counts vaporizers in the category of cigarette. Well, they got valid reasons.

Continue reading “Vaping V/S Smoking – Is Vaping Also Bad For Health?”