Smoking Can Never Be Safe. Is Vaping As Bad As Smoking?

Smoking is harmful. Even manufacturers have to print a warning message on cigarette packs saying that smoking can cause life-threatening diseases like cancer. When the creator itself is declaring that its creation is not safe for you, it makes no sense to write something in the defense of smoking. The interest of people is now shifting to something new in the arena that offers the same pleasure without or with minimum consequences. We are talking about vaporizers. Volcano Vaporizer, The Mighty, Arizer, Atmos and there are many other options available to people who love vaping or people who do not want to smoke anymore but cannot quit.

 Vaping Incognito

Some people call it a healthy way of smoking and others say that vaping also has a dark side. In the previous blog, we have advocated vaping with some pieces of evidence.You can read here what says about smoking. Allow us to share some more information.

Can We Say That Vaping Is Safer Than Smoking?

No doubt that vaping is way safer than smoking. Alright, it is not about vaping is safer than smoking or not. The question should be, is vaping safe? A UK’s Department of Health sponsored report was published by Public Health England. According to this report, a group of prestigious and highly qualified researchers, scientists and public health professionals conducted a study and declared that vaporizers and e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

The American Heart Association also have something same to say. According to the AHA, the health hazards of vaping are way less than the health hazards of smoking. It goes further and says that vaping can help in quitting smoking. E-cigarettes either have no or only a little amount of tobacco-derived constituents. Vaporizers create an opportunity to minimizing harmful effects of smoking as it provides the same experience without any serious health consequences.

Vaping and Health

If you are a fan of e-liquids, then you need to know that many e-liquids consist of nicotine. However, the concentration is not high. The safety depends on the way the product works. In cigarette, tobacco and other 4000 ingredients are combusted. The smoke due to combustion is inhaled. And, with this smoke, the smoker inhales a lot of carcinogens.  However, in a vaporizer, nothing is burned. Therefore, you do not inhale smoke. A vaporizer heats up the material and creates vapors. You are inhaling vapors that are filtered by the vaporizer. This makes vaping much safer than smoking. Vaporizer does not smell bad like cigarettes. Therefore, no one will complain when you are vaping at a public place.

In closing, vaporizers are not harmful to health. E-liquids do have nicotine. However, it is not fair to compare e-liquids with tobacco and other ingredients of cigarette.

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